Unit 1
Being Me
Lesson 1 A Special Gift from God
Worktext Pages: 2-12
No. of days allotted: 4-5
- Identifying Sounds Made by Animals, Machines, Objects, and Musical Instruments
- Identifying Vowels and Consonants
- Identifying the Parts of a Book
- Making a Picture Book
Comprehension/Literary Appreciation
- Supply story details to complete a pyramid chart
- Identify vowels and consonants
- Identify sounds made by animals, machines, etc.
Oral Fluency
- Read a dialogue with correct intonation and feeling
Study Strategy
Identify the parts of a book
Soaring to New Heights in Reading 1 (Second Edition) worktext; flash cards with vocabulary words written on each; pictures that show the meanings of the words in Vocabulary Alert
Learning Activities
Prereading Activities
Teaching Vocabulary/Oral Language
Write the words in Vocabulary Alert on page 2 of the worktext on the board. Let the pupils read them.
accept tummy suddenly destroy
sibling dreamily wrapped
sibling dreamily wrapped
Tell the pupils that you will read a sentence aloud and they will guess the missing word that would complete the sentence. You may also use pictures or gestures to better show the meaning of each word.
1. The pregnant woman is looking _________ at the sky with a smile on her face. (dreamily)
2. The pregnant woman’s _________ is so big. (tummy)
3. I am very happy to have a new_________ to play with. (sibling)
4. Mother says I should never _________ food from strangers. (accept)
5. Someone has to _________ the nuclear power plant. (destroy)
6. It was a sunny day, but it _________ rained. (suddenly)
7. My gift was _________ in nice red paper. (wrapped)
Tell the pupils that some words in the English language are pronounced differently from the way they are written. Explain that there are some letters that are silent or are not pronounced at all in some words. Write the following words on the board or on flash cards. Ask the pupils to look at the words. Read each word aloud and ask the pupils to try to find the silent letter.
1. walk (l is the silent letter)
2. know (k is the silent letter)
3. wrapped (w is the silent letter)
4. would (l is the silent letter)
Ask the pupils to give other examples of words with silent letters. Have them pair up. Have each pair write five words with silent letter on a one-fourth sheet of paper. Ask them to encircle the silent letter in each word. Call on some pupils to write their list on the board. Let the rest pass their papers
1. The pregnant woman is looking _________ at the sky with a smile on her face. (dreamily)
2. The pregnant woman’s _________ is so big. (tummy)
3. I am very happy to have a new_________ to play with. (sibling)
4. Mother says I should never _________ food from strangers. (accept)
5. Someone has to _________ the nuclear power plant. (destroy)
6. It was a sunny day, but it _________ rained. (suddenly)
7. My gift was _________ in nice red paper. (wrapped)
Tell the pupils that some words in the English language are pronounced differently from the way they are written. Explain that there are some letters that are silent or are not pronounced at all in some words. Write the following words on the board or on flash cards. Ask the pupils to look at the words. Read each word aloud and ask the pupils to try to find the silent letter.
1. walk (l is the silent letter)
2. know (k is the silent letter)
3. wrapped (w is the silent letter)
4. would (l is the silent letter)
Ask the pupils to give other examples of words with silent letters. Have them pair up. Have each pair write five words with silent letter on a one-fourth sheet of paper. Ask them to encircle the silent letter in each word. Call on some pupils to write their list on the board. Let the rest pass their papers
Developing Interest and Background Concepts
Tell the pupils that the selection for today is a short story. Its title is “A Special Gift from God.” Guide them in reading and answering the questions in Getting Ready on page 2 of the worktext. Give them time to answer each question.
Comment on the answers given by the pupils. Write on the board their guesses to this question: What do you think the gift from God is? Ask some pupils to write their guesses on the board.
Comment on the answers given by the pupils. Write on the board their guesses to this question: What do you think the gift from God is? Ask some pupils to write their guesses on the board.
Setting Purposes for Reading
Prepare to read the story with the class and tell them that they are about to find out what the special gift from God is according to the author
Reading the Selection
Guided Part-by-Part Reading of the Selection
Guide the pupils in reading the dialogue on pages 2 to 4 of the worktext. Read the first part aloud to the class while having them read it with you silently. Pause at each question/ prediction box and then have the pupils answer the questions before proceeding to the next section of the dialogue. Evaluate their answers. Continue reading the dialogue, varying the approach. Pupils may read silently or orally; or you may read it orally with them.
Oral Reading
Let the pupils read aloud the dialogue between Diego and Mother. Guide them in reading the lines with proper intonation and expression.
Postreading Activities
Selection Follow-up
Evaluate the pupils’ guesses to the question: What is the special gift from God? Ask them what led them to their answer. Commend pupils who will give very good reasons even those whose guesses were not correct according to the story.
Have the pupils do Looking Back on page 5 of the worktext. Discuss with the children the different story elements in a story.
Have the pupils do Looking Back on page 5 of the worktext. Discuss with the children the different story elements in a story.
Sharpening Skills
Let the pupils do the exercises on pages 6 to10 of the worktext. Discuss the teaching portions. Then read with them the direction/s for the activity, which they will work on independently. Have them check their own work for immediate feedback.
Performance Task
Across Curriculum
Ask the pupils to name their family members and to answer the question, “Why do you love your family?” Let the pupils make a picture book of their answer.
Have them do the task on page 11 of the worktext. Evaluate the pupil’s work by referring to the rubric found on page 12.
Ask the pupils to name their family members and to answer the question, “Why do you love your family?” Let the pupils make a picture book of their answer.
Have them do the task on page 11 of the worktext. Evaluate the pupil’s work by referring to the rubric found on page 12.
Formative Test
Note: All formative tests in this manual can be written on the board, on manila paper, or can be photocopied. Read each item carefully and encircle the letter of your answer.
1. Who is the main character in the story?
a. Mother
b. Diego
c. Baby
2. What did Diego tell his mother?
a. He wanted to have a new sibling.
b. He did not want to have a new sibling.
c. He had plenty of toys.
3. What did Mother tell Diego?
a. Mother told Diego that he cannot play with his toys when the baby comes.
b. Mother told Diego that he and the baby are gifts from God.
c. Mother told Diego to grow up and stop acting like a baby.
4. Why are babies gifts from God?
a. Because God loves us.
b. Because it is our birthday.
c. Because babies are expensive.
5. In the story, what are babies wrapped with?
a. Love
b. Peace
c. Hope
1. What sound do dogs make?
a. moo-moo
b. arf-arf
c. meow
2. What do we call letters a, e, i, o, u?
a. vowels
b. words
c. consonants
3. What do we call letters b, d, f, g, h, j?
a. words
b. vowels
c. consonants
4. The _______ is the name of the book.
a. front cover
b. title
c. illustrator
5. It is the person who wrote the book.
a. illustrator
b. publisher
c. author
1. Who is the main character in the story?
a. Mother
b. Diego
c. Baby
2. What did Diego tell his mother?
a. He wanted to have a new sibling.
b. He did not want to have a new sibling.
c. He had plenty of toys.
3. What did Mother tell Diego?
a. Mother told Diego that he cannot play with his toys when the baby comes.
b. Mother told Diego that he and the baby are gifts from God.
c. Mother told Diego to grow up and stop acting like a baby.
4. Why are babies gifts from God?
a. Because God loves us.
b. Because it is our birthday.
c. Because babies are expensive.
5. In the story, what are babies wrapped with?
a. Love
b. Peace
c. Hope
1. What sound do dogs make?
a. moo-moo
b. arf-arf
c. meow
2. What do we call letters a, e, i, o, u?
a. vowels
b. words
c. consonants
3. What do we call letters b, d, f, g, h, j?
a. words
b. vowels
c. consonants
4. The _______ is the name of the book.
a. front cover
b. title
c. illustrator
5. It is the person who wrote the book.
a. illustrator
b. publisher
c. author